Midwest ENT News
“Hearing connects us to our outside world. That’s how we stay connected over the phone, in person, and even on FaceTime. A very mild hearing loss can significantly impact your life. Our team is ready to help find the best solution and improve your quality of life.” – Holly Ralston, Audiologist, Midwest ENT & Allergy
Maintain Your Independence, Presence and Happiness by Maintaining Your Hearing
Most of us strive to age gracefully, holding onto our youth and vitality for as long as possible. Typically, this means focusing on physical health through smart lifestyle choices, taking care of our appearance, and visiting primary care physicians for regular checkups. However, one critical aspect of aging well—hearing health—is often overlooked.
Come with us on the journey of 8 year old Beckett, the first little one in South Dakota to have the TULA ear tube system for his ear tube placement. The TULA® System offers the benefits of traditional ear tube surgery for children six months and older without the need for hospital surgery or anesthesia. Another advantage is its cost-effectiveness, as it requires only a single clinic visit. This procedure is exclusively available in South Dakota at Midwest ENT & Allergy.
Read the full article below and see if the TULA System may be right for your child:
Ear infections are very common in infants and toddlers. In fact, most children will have at least one ear infection before the age of three. When children suffer from recurrent ear infections, or have excess fluid in their ears, the insertion of ear tubes is often the answer.
The Importance of Hearing Screenings for Better Outcomes
Hearing loss is an issue that affects many people in our country, with 1 in 8 people aged 12 or older experiencing hearing loss. As age increases, the amount of people affected by hearing loss increases as well.
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Many adults and children deal with environmental and food allergies. In fact, South Dakota, northwest Iowa, and southwest Minnesota are some of the most allergenic parts of the country. Dr. Peter Kasznica shares his knowledge on allergies, and how he and the team at Midwest ENT & Allergy can assist in improving your health!
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Don’t Ignore It!
Chronic cough can be a persistent and frustrating condition impacting the daily lives of many individuals. A chronic cough lasting more than 8 weeks can indicate underlying causes such as respiratory issues, seasonal allergies, sinus disease, gastrointestinal disorders such as reflux, or disorders of the voice and swallowing.
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The widespread use of smartphones with built-in music players has made earbuds a staple. Music lovers know just how valuable a good playlist can be when you need to keep up your mood. However, the smartphones, and the earbuds that come with them, could be hurting our hearing (especially in young people).
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What would you do if you woke up one morning and couldn’t hear out of one ear? Dr. Donald Bennett says it’s important to not dismiss the condition. If the right diagnosis and treatment isn’t administered right away, the hearing loss may be permanent.
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Most ear infections will resolve without medical intervention or with a dose of antibiotics. But in some children, ear infections may become chronic. If your child gets an infection every other month, ear tubes may be the answer.
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Earlens is an exciting innovation to treating hearing loss. Bob Froke, audiologist at Midwest ENT & Allergy, believes it is a truly dynamic product. He has become a big fan of Earlens. Why so? Froke has had his own Earlens for 18 months and says he will never go back to any other hearing device.
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Identifying allergy triggers won’t make them go away, but learning to control, or at least avoid them by starting an allergy medicine before exposure, can make a difference. For 12-year-old Jemma, having an allergic reaction was a scary thing. Over the course of a year, she had four serious allergy attacks. From shortness of breath and lots of sneezing to swollen eyes and eyelids.
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Farmers readily admit they are exposed to hazardous noise levels during daily farming, but just how bad is it? This is the story of a farmer who is happy that his new Earlens® can survive the harsh conditions of farming, and he can also hear better than ever. “The quality of the sound is crisp and clear, and the wind noise is reduced which means a lot for a farmer.”
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Can cognitive function be hindered because of hearing loss? A new technology is helping provide some answers. Cognivue is the world's first FDA-cleared computerized test of cognitive function.
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Like 35 million Americans, loving grandfather, Ron Alverson suffers from hearing loss. When his dissatisfaction with his current hearing aids finally got the better of him, Alverson decided to make a change.
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Hearing loss doesn’t just mean someone needs to turn up the TV or ask “Can you repeat that?” It has also been linked to an increased risk of dementia.
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Twins, Kim Waldner and Robin Jarrett, noticed hearing loss was an issue at around the same time, and now they both wear Earlens®, the world’s first and only nonsurgical hearing solution that uses a custom contact lens to directly vibrate the eardrum.
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A heartwarming story of a couple businesses that focus on charities that are near and dear to their heart and do their best to help.
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One patient’s health journey in overcoming chronic sinus infections
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The world’s only hearing lens now offered at Midwest ENT & ALLERGY
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At first, it was tough news, but once Dawn made her brand choice and was properly fitted, she says her new hearing aid has been a game changer!
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When your child doesn’t have a food allergy, but still has symptoms. The inside story on food intolerance and sensitivity.
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Midwest ENT & Allergy - specializing in kids with allergies
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The world's first and only hearing solution to directly vibrate the eardrum. It's how sound was meant to be heard!
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Midwest Ear, Nose & Throat now offering Earlens - a new class of hearing technology
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No Mask, No Hose, Just Sleep.
Surgically-implanted sleep apnea device becomes newest alternative treatment for sufferers of sleep apnea
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Up all night, restless days and frequent trips to the doctor.
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Tips for Quieter Sleep
Does your night involve a series of nudging, pokes and prods in order for you to get a quiet environment to sleep?
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Understanding the Difference Between Allergies and Viral Infections
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Turn down the volume!
Hearing loss: the (inadvertently) overlooked health condition not taken seriously
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Chronic Runny Nose Sufferers Find Relief
Can’t stop your nose from running? There may be a “cool” new fix.
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Do you find yourself coughing, sniffling and sneezing and cannot identify a culprit? Sometimes it’s as simple as the environment that can create stubborn symptoms.
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Crowded restaurants, outdoor football games and family reunions; most of us find ourselves encountering at least one of these events or situations at some point during our lives.
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Knowing When It’s Time for Testing
“The overall goal of allergy testing is to give chronic allergy sufferers relief… free from symptoms and with the tools to enable them to have the best quality of life.” – Dr. Thomas Tamura, Otolaryngologist Midwest Ear, Nose & Throat
Taking Steps to Confront Those You Care About to Get the Help They Need
Confronting a loved one about their hearing loss can be stressful and difficult, but hearing loss does not just affect the sufferer.
Advanced Technology Offers New Relief for Chronic Sinus Sufferers
For the millions of adults who suffer chronic sinus pain, current treatment plans can be a vicious cycle of oral antibiotics, steroids and sometimes even surgery.
Get Educated Before the Bell Rings
It’s back to school time, which can also mean back to seasonal allergies.
Back to school can often mean a tough time of getting back to sleep at a decent hour, not only for kids, but parents alike.
“For more than 75 years, May has been designated as Better Hearing and Speech Month,” said Dr. Scott, from Midwest ENT.
Nip Painful Symptoms in the Bud
The sounds of chirping birds, wind blowing through budding trees and drops of fresh rain hitting sprouting blooms are all wonders of the spring season.
Most people aren't aware how many times their middle ear tube opens and closes. But when it malfunctions, it doesn't take long to notice a potentially serious problem.
Many people struggle with sinus problems. These issues are referred to as sinusitis, which occurs when the tissue lining the sinuses becomes inflamed.
You have tried rinses, taken medications, avoided irritants and yet chronic sinus pain continues to wreak havoc on your life. What's next... surgery?
This month we take a journey into the world of mentoring! Tina Erickson, one of our awesome team members at Midwest ENT, volunteers for Lutheran Social Services as a mentor.
Your head is throbbing, nose is plugged and the amount of pollen in the air is staggering. Yes, another sinus infection. Or maybe not?
If chronic sinus pain and pressure is keeping you from "springing ahead" as the temperatures rise, it might be time to look into a treatment plan that can restore your quality of life.
Cold Weather Allergens Require Different Precautions, Treatments
Most people think freezing temperatures mean taking a season off from pesky pollen and other allergens. However, despite the chill, offending allergies can be even more problematic this time of year.
How to treat cold weather allergies
Most think freezing temperatures means taking a season off from pesky pollen and other allergens. But despite the chill, offending allergies can sometimes be more problematic during this time of year.
Varying Treatment Plans can Ease Sinus Pain
If chronic sinus pain and pressure is keeping you from "springing ahead" as the temperatures rise, it might be time to look into a treatment plan that can restore your quality of life.
Spotlight story on our Midwest Ear, Nose & Throat administrator, Lisa Bendt and the LSS Mentoring program!
Hunter and Outdoor News writer Kristen Monroe gives a first-hand look at how hunting and shooting can affect hearing loss.
Pets play a large part in people's lives. Most households have at least one furry friend and the thought of giving up their companion due to allergies can be heartbreaking. But allergists suggest a treatment tip that can be used to keep pets and their allergy-ridden owners "best friends."
There is a new sinus surgery technique making headlines that will offer patients a more comfortable surgery and recovery.
Tips to Stay Safe when Heading Back to the Classroom
Backpacks, school supplies and new clothes are just a few of the life-changes a family with young children undergoes when summer wraps and school begins.
Understanding the Connection
“There are a variety of factors that lead to ear infections and one of them is allergies.”
Surviving Outdoor Allergy Season
“Spring brings with it the emergence of airborne pollens which can be an aggravation to millions of allergic Americans.”
Hearing Loss and Dementia: An Unfortunate Cycle of Confusion
“Memory loss is a large component of dementia. But it’s difficult to remember anything if you didn’t hear it clearly to start with.”
Phonak Lyric product is virtually invisible
Thankfully, technology has given patients the option to get invisible hearing aids that are not only smaller but require less maintenance.
What You Need to Know About Hypothyroidism
Understanding hypothyroidism is important because it can easily be diagnosed, and with proper treatment, we can successfully cure most patients. Peter Kasznica, MD and Thomas Tamura, MD, Midwest Ear, Nose and Throat
Know the A, B, Cs to Get Your Zs
A range of problems, such as an inability to enjoy family and social relationships, difficulty concentrating, memory problems, decreased quality of life, increased missed work, poor job performance, higher incidence of pain and dangerous falls, can all be the result of something as simple as inadequate sleep.
Food Allergies in the School
Food allergies are a serious medical condition affecting 1 in 13 children. That can be up to two kids per classroom nationwide, and the incidence is definitely increasing.
Tips to breathe with ease by controlling your environment
Does springing forward have your health falling way behind? Do you color coordinate your tissues to match your wardrobe? Then you’re one of the millions of Americans who suffer from allergies.
New Technology Offers Instand Relief that Lasts
Nasal sprays, steroids, decongestants and antibiotics often fill the medicine cabinets of people who suffer from chronic sinus infections. Approximately 15 percent of the population is affected by these chronic infections, known as sinusitis. But there is hope.
“You can reduce the chances of an allergic reaction at school but never eliminate them. There must be communication between school officials, teachers and parents if a child has a highly sensitive allergy.”
Expert Answers to Keep You in the Know About Your Nose
“Your nose is the initial filter, warmer and humidifier for our lungs. When it’s inflamed and congested, we’re miserable.”