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Midwest ENT & Allergy - specializing in kids with allergies

allergy picNo parent wants to see their child struggle.  Early identification of childhood allergies can greatly improve a child and parent’s quality of life.  Parents can best help their child by monitoring symptoms and what may be potential triggers.

“Peanuts and milk are common food childhood allergies.  Additionally, children can struggle with allergies to pet dander, pollens, dust and mold,” says Dr. Dan Todd, an allergy specialist at Midwest ENT & Allergy.

Skin rashes, hives, sneezing, coughing, runny eyes and even an upset stomach are some of the symptoms triggered by tiny particles known as allergens. Doctors refer to this common allergic condition as allergic rhinitis.

But how does a parent know if what the child is experiencing is allergies?

The doctors at Midwest ENT & Allergy know parents have concerns when their child seems to be suffering. Dr. Todd provides answers to six common questions parents have when it comes to testing kids for allergies:

Question: At what age can a child be tested for allergies?

Dr. Todd:  Most research recommends that children not be tested prior to 12 months of age because their immune systems are not fully developed. After 12 months a blood test can be performed.  The gold standard continues to be a skin prick test known as Modified Quantitative Testing (MQT) in conjunction with the Intradermal Testing (IDT) and has been performed on patients as young as four. Of course, tolerance is individually based.

Q:  What does an allergy skin test involve?

A: The MQT involves pricking the skin with a small amount of an allergen and introducing that substance under the skin’s surface.  The IDT involves the injection of a small allergen under the surface of the skin. Together, the two methods allow us to produce a safe and accurate test, while also diagnosing those lower end allergies in patients who are symptomatic. 

Q: How accurate are the results?

A:  The IDT together with the MQT allows us to calculate more accurate “endpoints” (the dilution of an allergen at which the patient doesn’t react). Treatment is based on these endpoints and is quite accurate.

Q: What are the treatment options?

A: Following any allergy test, one of our physicians will review the results, then visit with the  patient and parent to determine a treatment plan. Treatment options include medications, avoidance and/or immunotherapy.  Midwest ENT & Allergy offers two options for immunotherapy; traditional allergy shots and sublingual drops.   The doctors at Midwest ENT & Allergy will work closely with the parents and the child to put together the right treatment plan.

Q: What is the usual length of treatment?

A: Though it varies widely among patients, treatments last anywhere from two to five years and are based primarily on how the symptoms improve.

Q: How does a parent go about getting an appointment for their child at Midwest ENT & Allergy?
Patients can call Midwest ENT & Allergy at 605-336-3503 to schedule a consultation with one of our allergy specialists.  Same day allergy testing is available.

By: Virginia Olson - Sioux Falls Woman Magazine

Midwest Ear, Nose & Throat
2315 West 57th Street  •  Sioux Falls, South Dakota 57108  •  605-336-3503  •  Toll-free 888-336-3503  •  Fax 605-336-6010