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Midwest ENT & Allergy is now an AirLift™ Preferred Provider Practice for patients struggling with Obstructive Sleep Apnea.

sleepyIf you have Obstructive Sleep Apnea (OSA), you are not alone! OSA afflicts over 17 million people in the United States. Also referred to as sleep apnea, OSA is a serious medical condition that should not be ignored.

Several easy-to-recognize symptoms of sleep apnea include:

  • Excessive daytime sleepiness
  • Loud snoring
  • Gasping for air during sleep
  • Falling asleep while driving
  • Falling asleep during the day
  • Morning headaches
  • Loss of energy
  • Trouble concentrating
  • Irritability

When a person falls asleep, the muscles that keep the airway open relax. With sleep apnea, this relaxation results in a narrowing or obstruction of the airway, which limits a person's ability to breathe. When this occurs, oxygen levels in the blood begin to drop, causing the person to wake. Waking frequently limits the quality of sleep, and is one reason why people with OSA can be so tired during the day.

The AirLift procedure is for patients with obstructive sleep apnea. The procedure involves advancing the hyoid bone and suspending it with two small implants and suture. Due to the muscle attachments on the hyoid bone, this causes the narrow or blocked airway to open and become more stable during sleep.

AIRLIFT at Midwest ENT & Allergy is minimally invasive, adjustable and reversible.


Key Features:

  • One kit for hyoid suspension and/or tongue suspension
  • Knotless suture anchors provide slip-free, precise control of tension
  • High-strength braided suspension lines for long-lasting durability
  • Simple and fast tools for securing the hyoid bone
  • Simple and flexible placement of tongue suspension loops

Key Benefits:

  • Minimally invasive
  • Adjustable & reversible
  • Low morbidity
  • No CPAP compliance issues
  • Durable/long-lasting
  • Can be performed in an outpatient setting
  • Reimbursed by insurance
  • Begins working right away
  • Relief from sleep apnea symptoms, including snoring
  • Low pain, easily tolerated
  • Short post-operative recovery
  • Long-lasting solution 
  • Reduced risk of cardiovascular and all-cause death

Commonly asked questions about AirLift:

Does insurance cover the AirLift Procedure?

YES! Most private insurance, Medicare and Medicaid cover the AirLift hyoid suspension procedure

What are the qualifications necessary for the AirLift Procedure?

Must have obstructive sleep apnea diagnosis, tried CPAP and doctor has to confirm narrowing behind tongue. No weight restrictions.

How long will recovery be? Is it painful?

Generally patients continue a normal diet and do not experience significant pain or discomfort. They can generally resume normal activity within a few days to a week after the surgical wound heals.

Contact Midwest ENT & Allergy to see if Airlift is right for you!

Midwest Ear, Nose & Throat
2315 West 57th Street  •  Sioux Falls, South Dakota 57108  •  605-336-3503  •  Toll-free 888-336-3503  •  Fax 605-336-6010